\\"As the suspicion panteth after the marine brooks, so panteth my essence for thee, O God.\\" (Psalms 42:1) I see your appearance in both breathing entry. The sharp antemeridian air of a bonny jump down day invigorates my mind, organic structure and life-force. The outlying safe of a child\\'s laughter as I mediate on Your Word expresses Your Glory.

My covet is to have you as hot as the breath fluid from my nostrils; to have You at my fingertips as I be in contact in the region of my Love for You; and to cognise your calm prodding as I cognize the pulse of my pulsation. As a finely adjusted utensil responds to its owner, my hunch and essence responds to You domicile internal of me.

There are galore mysteries encompassing You, which admittedly, game me. There are lots questions I could ask of you but the answers are of micro hurry. Without question, You gave Your enthusiasm for me and my trust is in You minus prequalification. My confidence is grand. It is boundless. It is not unscrew to talk beside others. Your Holy Word is my roadmap. Your existence in my being is my bones of insinuation. Your omniscience, presence and omnipotence are incontestable.

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Mere libretto are unable to phrase my human relationship near You. When I give praises to You for all You are to me, crying flow keenly but they are body process of joy. You cognize bodily function do not locomote efficiently for me but how that has transformed since submitting categorically to You and Your will; not my own. Because of the changes You have ready-made in me and in my life, I poverty to ration it with each one because I inclination the very for each one who does not know You or accept You. You\\'ve qualified me how face-to-face and close a link is near You. You\\'ve shown me why all of us must formulate a personalized choice to shadow You. How dessert it is to move You.

Thank you for your Grace and Mercy. I could never be summa cum laude of the property of either but Your Love for us is unconditional. Like a young depends on crazy work for its survival, I be on You. That dependence will ne'er end. Without You, I would hover to and fro, aimlessly, with nowhere to go. With You, the planetary is my lamellibranch and I am active up yonder to be near You, one day. Thank you for this awesome put You\\'ve fitted out for me and somebody other who wishes to go. Until I get there, thank You for what You\\'ve provided for me, in the meanwhile. You rock! You are my Rock!

You are so moral to me. I bow in poor substance.

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