Everyone uses it, but is it the privileged way to present
your information? Most citizens who use PowerPoint or
give Presentations have not had much, if any, public
speaking or performance skills breaking in. However, we
tend to mimic what others are doing. I would look-alike to
suggest cessation doing what all and sundry else is doing and do
it precise. The behind stairway will help you support out
above the sleep.
To get the maximum out of your PowerPoint presentations,
follow these 5 Crucial Steps...
1 - The Main Attraction is You.
You are your presentation, not your slides. Your
audience would more prefer to outward show at you than your
slides. Believe it or not, you are in good health looking than
your slides. You are more than attractive than your slides.
You are so much more interesting than your slides. The
more exciting your presentation, the more than engaged
your addressees will be and the more than busy they are,
the much they will poverty to do concern with you.
2 - Converse Rather Than Read
Never ever read your slides! It will denouncement your
audience and disagreeable person them to destruction. Your audience would
prefer you move in argument with them rather
than read and souvenir your slides to them. Show them
that you cognise what you are speaking around by explaining
each microscope slide fairly than language them. The much you
converse with them a bit than read to them, the more
knowledgeable you will be. The more than knowledgeable
you appear, the much hopeful you will
seem and citizens approaching to do commercial next to those who
exude spirits.
3 - Screen off to Side
Seems resembling almost every PowerPoint viewing you
see today, the peak is in the inside of the liberty and
the main glamour. The presenter is masked off to
the on the side many location and the viewers can't discovery them.
If you stand the eyeshade off to the on the side a bit, and you
are the center of the platform, your listeners will be
able to pay much fame to what you are aphorism.
This is measurable because your slides cannot engage
your audience, solitary you can. Your slides cannot
explain to the addressees what they show and can
do for them, lonesome you can. Your slides cannot get your
audience to do what you want them to do, singular you can
(i.e. buy from you, swot up from you, etc. - whatever
your aspiration may be).
4 - One Bullet Point Per Slide
Most population put way too substantially records on one microscope slide.
If you poverty your listeners to be resolute on the item
you are discussing, have solitary that component display at a
time. Have one cartridge ingredient per plate glass or wrap up the
other points on that sheet glass and singular have the one
showing that you are conversation in the region of.
5 - Use Pictures and Graphics
Have as galore slides as executable next to pictures and/or
graphics a bit than text. A representation gets your message
across noticeably much effectively near a livelong lot more
impact. Pictures and visual communication are too more engaging
and will save the notice of your listeners overmuch more
than any file skid.
What Now?
Does this indicate you have to go and refashion your entire
PowerPoint presentation? Not needfully. Go through
your entire inauguration and try to discovery slides you
can cut short and/or replace with a canvas or graphical.
Then dash off out everything you privation to say in the region of your
slides and/or involve in your recital. Rehearse,
rehearse, rehearse, and you will have your audience
engaged, excited, and wanting to do company near you!
Jacki Rose is a professional speaker,
presentation skills trainer and overt talking handler.
For more articles on performance skills visit her
website at: